Skip hire, recycling, scrap metal, commercial waste services in Leicester

Waste Management
Ulverscroft Road
LE4 6BY  -  0116 262 0065
- 0116 253 1721

Recycling in Leicestershire.

Our modern, materials recycling facilities (MRF) in Leicester is equipped with some of the most advanced waste processing equipment available in Europe.

We provide an innovative approach to waste management by recycling rather than land-filling waste materials.

All materials received or purchased at our site pass over our twin calibrated weighbridge, then directed to the section of our recycling facilities designed to deal with specific materials or combinations of materials.

What We Recycle:

Our modern facilities enable us to recycle all these materials:


Our current recycle rate

State of the art.

We have some of the most advanced waste processing and recycling equipment in Europe.

Contact us:

Mon-Fri: 0600 - 1700
Sat: 0700 - 1200
t: 0116 262 0065

FREE waste audit

Our no obligation audit will identify how much you could be saving and recycling.

We collect your waste – then sort, segregate and bale it.

Tonnes recycled every year

A.E. Burgess & Sons Ltd.